241. Innovating Your Way to Success

Dr. John joins us today to talk about fast growth, key lessons from growth, creating great brands, providing patient experience that rocks, creating and scaling a business, and maintaining great relationships in and outside the practice.

232. Multiple vs Single Practice

Dr Jesse Green explores what drives some of us to own multiple practices. He reveals how some of the high performing single practice, single chair operators are scaling and strengthening their profits.

Questions Warren Buffet Asks Before Investing in a Business

Will Warren Buffet buy your business? Probably not considering it is likely to be a business that may not meet his criteria. But does your business meet all the other requirements that Buffet looks for when making investment decisions? Wouldn’t you want to find out? Side note:  If you are wondering why you should even […]

Crafting Systems And Automation For Scaling Successfully

It is imperative for any running business to have systems and operations in place for smooth functioning. We all use some level of technology to help make things easier. However, at times it is highly difficult to blur the lines between automation and human interaction. How much is too much when it comes to applying […]

Have You Measured Your Growth Potential Yet?

Running a dental practice is like throwing a dozen balls in the air and then try to catch them all at the same time! You not only have to build and maintain a reputation as a competent dentist, you also need to be a good mediator, communicator, marketer, entrepreneur, accountant and above all a great […]