The 10 Commandments of an Effective Website

savy dentist

Creating an effective website is an investment that requires time, effort, skill, and strategy. Having a web presence that generates traffic conversions is essential for any brand, but it’s a moot point if your website is confusing and ineffective. These 10 commandments are key for anyone looking to build, optimise, and maintain an effective website. […]

Lessons 8 to 13 for Dental Practice Entrepreneurs: Part 2

Last week, I shared with you the first seven entrepreneurial lessons for dental practice owners… The lessons are based on my experiences during my own journey and are combined with the business insights of my podcast guest, dental entrepreneur and practice ownership consultant Dr Nauvneel Kashyap. Here are lessons 8 to 13… #8 of 13 […]

13 Entrepreneurial Lessons for Dental Practice Owners: Part 1

When I started out, entrepreneurial tendencies were frowned upon. Being a dental entrepreneur or dental-preneur as I used to refer to it in my articles, was considered dodgy, or a sign of carelessness towards patients. Instead of running from this label, I fully embraced it;  and I remember standing tall and responding to the negativity. […]