Lessons 8 to 13 for Dental Practice Entrepreneurs: Part 2

Last week, I shared with you the first seven entrepreneurial lessons for dental practice owners… The lessons are based on my experiences during my own journey and are combined with the business insights of my podcast guest, dental entrepreneur and practice ownership consultant Dr Nauvneel Kashyap. Here are lessons 8 to 13… #8 of 13 […]

13 Entrepreneurial Lessons for Dental Practice Owners: Part 1

When I started out, entrepreneurial tendencies were frowned upon. Being a dental entrepreneur or dental-preneur as I used to refer to it in my articles, was considered dodgy, or a sign of carelessness towards patients. Instead of running from this label, I fully embraced it;  and I remember standing tall and responding to the negativity. […]

5 Reasons Why A-Type Personalities are on the Brink of Burnout

Everybody wants to bring their A game to work, but dentists are prone to burnout! When I was at university I had the mindset that I either did something perfectly or it was wrong. A-Type personalities are competitive, controlling, high-functioning, have a sense of urgency, feel time poor, as well as having perfection as their […]

Top 7 Secrets to Being the Best Practice Leader Possible

I like to remind my clients that people are not born leaders. And that great leadership skills are learned – which is the good news, but how do we know what makes a great leader? And for those of us already leading, how do we avoid getting stuck in the rut of managing instead of […]