Since 2016, the concept of The Savvy Dentist Podcast was to share the best thinking, the best ideas and the best practices from other industries, and bring them back to dentists so that you can adopt them for your own. So you can create the practice and the life that you ultimately want to create.

Thank you to each of you who have tuned in over the last eight years, whether you’re a regular listener or a sometimes listener, we really appreciate you. 

Business is becoming more competitive, the marketplace is becoming more sophisticated and therefore the practice management techniques that were prevalent in the early 2000s, no longer apply today. As practice owners today, we need to have more advanced thinking than we’ve ever needed in the past.

If you want to have a business that you love, that you get to run, then we need to jettison that old thinking and we need to embrace new thinking. 

In this episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast Dr. Jesse Green shares some fresh current day tactical small business lessons he has learnt over many decades in business to help you build a viable and profitable practice.