We want to create an independent and self-managing team in order to have a practice that runs smoothly when we take leave, delivers consistent results for patients, and generates leverage.

If we create an environment where we’re the person who can solve problems and answer questions, we’re fostering a dependent environment – which is frustrating for both you and your team.

It will also distract you from the work you need to be doing, because you’re constantly micro-managing and having to answer obvious questions.

So, how do you build an independent team that can use their initiative to get things done?

Here are a few simple steps.


1. Don’t rush to solve the problem

Providing the solution on the spot is a short term gain for long term pain. Sure, the immediate problem gets fixed, but you’re incrementally building dependency.

When someone comes to you, ask them “what do you think I should do?” Hopefully they have some thoughts prepared but if not, encourage them to come back with a few potential solutions.


2. Encourage them to risk-assess

Once you’ve got a few suggestions and options, ask them “what risks might be involved? What could go wrong? If we get this right, what results can we expect?”

This helps them almost get inside your head and start thinking more strategically about the different factors at play.


3. Repeat as necessary

If you do this with your team members a handful of times, you’ll end up training them to come to conclusions and solutions on their own.

Eventually, you want to get to the stage where they come to you with a problem, a potential solution, any risks identified, and the ideal outcome.

Then, all you have to do is give them the green light

This is how you duplicate yourself and install your mindset into other team members so you can enjoy an independent, self-managing team. This gives you the confidence that day to day operations are covered, so you can enjoy more time out of the practice.