The Tim Ferriss Guide to Beating Procrastination

It’s like a monster looking over your shoulder. You have that slightly guilty, sinking feeling. And then the ‘shoulds’ start. You should be starting that project. You should be making progress. You should stop procrastinating and get on with it. You’re not even sure why you’re not getting on with it. You know what needs […]

5 Things You Must Know to End Buyer Indecision

Buyer indecision is a funny thing. When we go into a shop to look around, we don’t want to be pushed into a buying anything. Often we’re not even sure we need anything. We’re browsing while we kill time. There’s nothing we want so we’re unlikely to buy. At least, not until we see that fancy […]

14. The foot and mouth episode with Tyson Franklin

Tyson Franklin is a business savvy podiatrist. In this interview, you’ll get masterful insights into how health practitioners, and specifically dentists can better market and run their businesses. Tyson is a business coach and mentor who divides his days between running his very successful podiatry business in Cairns, being a business mentor to other podiatry […]