Great staff are worth their weight in gold. They contribute to a productive work environment, boost morale, and can even play a huge part in patient retention and therefore the profitability of the practice.

Your team have the power to either help the practice run smoothly, or cause major headaches for you – so it’s important to choose wisely!

Before you begin the recruitment process, there are a few things you need to know to ensure you attract the right people and make savvy choices.


Get your Organisation Chart in check!

You want to have a crystal-clear idea of where your new recruit fits into your business.

Who do they report to? What department do they fall under? Where do they fit in the big picture of your practice?

If you don’t understand the answers to these questions yourself, then you’ll struggle to effectively communicate the scope of the role and how your recruit would progress in the business long-term.

Step back, take a birds-eye look at your organisation chart, and think strategically.


Writing the right job description

When you write a job description, it’s a bit like writing an advertisement. You have to think of the kind of talent you want to attract and write in a way that speaks to them, whilst also representing your practice and your values accurately.

Honesty is the best policy; be upfront about the scope of the role, key expectations, the values of the practice, and anything they really need to know about working for you, such as special perks or requirements.

By being transparent, you’ll attract people who are on the same wavelength as you.


Applicant vetting and interviewing

It’s often useful to include a few practical exercises that can give you an indication of how they would approach the role. For example, writing ability for receptionists, or mixing up alginate to test their skills in surgery.

Dr John Demartini also recommends asking every interviewee these two important questions; what are your values? And how will this role help you fulfil those values? People who feel aligned with the values of a workplace and see the connection between their role and personal fulfillment, will be much more intrinsically motivated. This means internal drive, a passion for their role, and no need for you to micro-manage.


Doing your due diligence

Before making a job offer, it’s important to verify qualifications and contact referees.

Every now and then, someone will make a great first impression but may turn out to have some potential issues you weren’t aware of. It’s better to know up front, and incorporate that into your decision making.

I’d also recommend working with an employment lawyer in drawing up/finalising your contracts – they’ll spot any gaps and can make recommendations from experience.

Once you’re satisfied with your decision – go ahead and give them the good news!


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