In this episode of the Savvy Dentist Podcast, I am interviewing a key person in my business, Melanie Thompson. She is the person who sits beside me alongside our business, the person I turn to to get things done, takes my ideas and implements them and sits with practice owner clients to help them work with receptionists, business partners, managers.

We are going to be talking about how to get the most from your right hand person in your team. If you have a great relationship with your right-hand person, you are going to achieve your goals much faster than you would.

In this episode we discuss:

  • [03:15] The importance of a right-hand person in a business to achieve the best results.
  • [04:45] Defining a plus one in your business.
  • [05:41] Key things that separate the practice owners and practices that really do well compared to those that are just okay.
  • [07:29] The specific things we need to be clear about and the reason why we aren’t clear sometimes.
  • [08:54] The reason why clarity is hard to achieve and the tools you can use to bridge the gap.
  • [11:09] The role of the plus one in the business.
  • [14:10] Creating buy-in for the plus one.
  • [18:50] Are plus one’s born or are they made?
  • [20:52] Skills and attitudes of a right-hand person.
  • [23:52] Things that surprise her in working with clients and dentists in the plus one-owner relationships.
  • [27:03] Beginning the process of building a relationship with your plus one in your business.
  • [29:13] Managing and mitigating risk regarding your plus one.
  • [32:45] Great results of having a good relationship between business owners and their plus one.

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