285. The Art of the Fireside Chat

savy dentist

The patient-clinician relationship is important, and there needs to be a level of trust and support there so that the patient seriously considers your recommendations. A huge part of that comes down to knowing your patient, and how to talk to them. A Fireside Chat is a powerful tool for building rapport and connection with your patients, but also for understanding their goals and desires when it comes to dental care. Find out more about how to structure your Fireside Chat in this episode.

How to Create Strong Business Partnerships

savy dentist

Partnering with other businesses is a great way to increase your profile withing the community, grow leads, and ultimately increase your flow of new patients. It can also be a means to extending your branding and positioning by aligning your practice with prominent local businesses. When setting out to form business partnerships, it’s important to […]

280. The ABC’s of Trust and Loyalty

savy dentist

When it comes to building and maintaining patient relationships, there are a few “do’s and dont’s” that every practice owner should know. Let’s go back to basics and cover the ABC’s of trust and loyalty – Ability, Behaviour, and Character.

272. Clarity + Consistency = Results

savy dentist

This truly is the formula for sustainable and reliable success in business – and really in any area of life. It’s all too easy to get distracted by shiny new tactics and starting a million new projects, but it really comes down to your ability to commit and follow through on your existing plans.