What is the Performance-Culture Matrix?

I am yet to meet the person who comes to work knowingly, willingly, trying to do a poor job. Most people are internally wired to want to do their job successfully, and want to do it well. However, sometimes there can be problems that occur when we have a disconnect between what we believe is […]

The Practice Owners’ Guide to Recruitment

savy dentist

Great staff are worth their weight in gold. They contribute to a productive work environment, boost morale, and can even play a huge part in patient retention and therefore the profitability of the practice. Your team have the power to either help the practice run smoothly, or cause major headaches for you – so it’s […]

Read This Before Onboarding Your Next New Hire

savy dentist

A smooth onboarding process is something we often take for granted, but can either create or save you massive headaches further down the track. Studies show that between 33% of employees decide within the first week whether or not they will stay in the role long-term, and that an effective onboarding process can improve performance […]

Recruitment Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Hiring Stellar Staff

How do you go about hiring stellar staff? Your team are critical to your business. Yet it can be hard to hire the right people into the right roles. Great staff are worth their weight in gold. They can smooth over problems before they arise, provide you with a sounding board for new ideas, and catapult your […]

26. HR Secrets Every Dental Practice Owner Should Know, with Natasha Hawker

In this episode, I chat with Natasha Hawker about savvy human resources (HR) strategies. This is one of the areas dental practice owners and managers struggle with regularly. Natasha is an employment and HR expert and director of Employee Matters. Natasha believes small businesses are the backbone of this country and work harder than anyone […]

Don’t Do These 5 Things When You Want To Build An Elite Team

What’s your biggest headache? No, let me guess. Staff. Am I right? Most business owners say staff are one of their biggest stressors. Now, let me ask you another question. Are you doing dentistry by day and running your business at night? If so, it’s a clear indication of a problem. Maybe you don’t have […]

How To Onboard Your New Hire in Record Time (Even If You’re Crazy-Busy)

New staff members. They’re a blessing. But getting them up and running can be messy and time-consuming. You can throw them in the deep end by giving them a start date and letting them work out the rest themselves. You can hand the process over to another team member, and hope they’re good at this […]