Australia’s leading small business author, Andrew Griffith, is back on the podcast! And we’re going to be talking about the changes we’re expecting in small businesses after the COVID-19 global pandemic. Our engaging conversation on moving forward instead of going back to business as usual was so interesting. Needless to say, we’re going to be facing a new normal once our businesses reopen.
Andrew is the go-to guy for small business because he has worked and consulted in this space for many years. With 13 books under his belt, and soon to release his 14th, he definitely knows everything there is to know about the industry.
So, have your pen and paper handy and get ready for some thought-provoking discussions in this episode.
In this episode we discuss:
- [03:27] His thoughts on the current situation on COVID-19.
- [07:13] The things that surprised him the most in this situation.
- [13:28] Andrew’s insights on the hustle and building an empire.
- [18:42] Small business owners versus entrepreneurs.
- [23:14] Marketing yourself and living up to it.
- [26:35] The shift happening around the world on people willing to pay for the best in the craft.
- [30:07] Success versus fulfilment.
- [33:27] Details on Andrew’s upcoming book.
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