In this episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast Dr Jesse Green is joined by Kylie Denton.

Kylie Denton is a highly experienced leadership consultant, professionally certified coach, a bestselling author, and speaker specialising in leadership and sales. With over 30 years’ experience in leadership and formal qualifications in psychology, Kylie has a proven track record in building confident leaders and successful teams.

Kylie Denton and Dr. Jesse share some wonderful insights about how to develop our own leadership and how to nurture and develop other leaders in our practices.

If we’re going to have any success in our practice, it’s going to correlate to how well we can build and lead our team.  Kylie shares a model called the idea model and a whole lot more.

Kylie works with blue chip and established companies to improve the productivity and performance of leaders and their teams.

  • [6:48] – You can generally feel confident about your skills and abilities within the four walls of your dental surgery. We’ve spent many years practicing those things. Then all of a sudden we go, you know what, I’m gonna open a business. How hard can it be?  And it turns out it can be pretty tricky, right? There’s no learning around business, there’s no learning about leadership, there’s no learning about people development. Where does leadership come unstuck? Where do people typically stumble? What are the common pitfalls or mishaps?
  • [12:38] – What sort of practices and skills need to be developed as we figure out our way on this leadership pathway?
  • [24:52] – How do we lead ourselves so that we can be that example for others?
  • [31:30] – The power of ‘thinking time’. Taking time-out regularly to look and think about your people and business, is the single most important thing you can do. It’s what all top leaders schedule into each day.
  • [36:47] – Creating a great culture within your practice is critical. “Great culture eats strategy for breakfast”. So what ways can you work on developing an engaged and enthusiastic team?