How to Retain Good Talent and Avoid High Turnover

savy dentist

Business owners put a lot of money, time, and effort into recruiting and onboarding top-tier talent, so naturally you want them to stick around. If you’re dealing with high staff turnover, it can be a bad look as patients begin to speculate what goes on behind the scenes. Not to mention the costs and ROI […]

267. Embedding a Customer Service Culture

savy dentist

I’ve invited customer service expert Jaquie Scammel on the podcast today. Jacquie is also the author of 2 books called Service Habits and Service Mindset. And we’re going to talk about embedding a customer service culture to help scale your business.

7 Ways to Approach Difficult Conversations

savy dentist

As a practice owner and team leader, you’re going to face tough conversations from time to time. Whether it’s with a patient, team member, business partner, or member of the public – it’s up to you to keep your cool as you navigate tricky topics. Often, we feel a little awkward, uncomfortable, and maybe even […]

How to Introduce a New Clinical Procedure Into Your Practice

Adding new clinical procedures to your practice can be an excellent way to introduce a new revenue stream to your practice and ensure your patients are receiving the best possible care. When done right, a new clinical procedure can attract new patients, improve patient care, and allow you to do more of the work you […]

259. Know Yourself, Know Your Business

Jim shares his experience both in life and in business, talking about his current business model, simplifying life and business, getting through anxiety and self-sabotage and just having a balanced life.

How to Reduce Key Person Risk in Your Practice

As a practice owner, you never want to fall into the trap of relying too much on any key player – including yourself. If the practice and team are too dependent on you as a practice owner, you’ll struggle to take time off, reduce your hours, or scale the practice. If the key person risk […]